Area Description

The city is located in the center of ancient Thracian settlement and borders on one of the most beautiful and largest natural reserves in the Balkans – the Stranga natural reserve. It is located in the neighborhood of Varvara and Karevo [north] and Sinemorets [south] and Rezovo.
It is 3000 years old. It is the most forward area on the south side of the Bulgarian Black Sea. It was most probably colonized in the 6th century. The Romans called it Peronticus. When Agathon, the Byzantine ruler, reconstructed and rebuilt the city after barbaric invasions he named it after himself – Agathopolis the City of Happiness and Wealth. Ahtopol is a small romantic town on a rocky peninsula, with a fishing harbor and a museum above it.
It is a place for peaceful and romantic holidays on wild beaches and virginal nature of the Stranga Mountains. There is a beautiful sand beach and small forelands all covered with small stones and rocks – for divers. Chram Vesnesenie Gospodne [the Nanebevzeti chapel] all dressed in flowers is at the very end of the peninsula. It is a small simple building with 19th century frescoes and icons. There are many restaurants, cafes and confectioneries, and carousels for children. The climate here is characteristic of hot summers, warm autumns and mildest winters in Bulgaria.
The Valeka River estuary, with a sandbank, where you can swim in the sea on the east side and cool river waters on the west side, is located about 5 km south from the town. There are a couple of hotels of international standards. It is a place willingly visited by families with children and divers. The Vavra town is located about 4 km north. It is the best known place for diving – it has underwater caves and reeds. Those who want to experience something unforgettable will be more than satisfied.
Internet comment: ‘I recommend this village! It’s great for young people. Beach in the evening, beer in a pub or dinner with a Bulgarian family – just perfect!’