Tourism Development


In the years before Bulgaria’s accession to the EU and during the first year of membership, tourist flows to and from fellow EU-member states continued to grow steadily with some destinations registering double-digit growth rates for several years in a row. On the other hand, most of the financial aid from the EU, received both before and after accession, will be channelled into improving the country’s infrastructure, one of the main weaknesses of Bulgaria’s tourism industry. Over the period 2007-2013, Bulgaria will receive just under EUR 5 billion, in per capita terms the highest amount given to any other accession country. In addition,  EU membership is a guarantor for a more stable economic as well as political future for the country, which is an important prerequisite for tourism development. 



Income from tourism is extremely important for the country. Further modernization and consequent development of tourist infrastructure is necessary for obtaining further profit increase. Tourism is one of the investment priorities for the Bulgarian government. The value of investment expenditure [about 50 – 100 million USD per year] in tourism has systematically risen. It is related to the rising participation of private investors in the infrastructure development based on the concession system within the Public-Private Partnership [PPP].

The number of tourists from Poland, which reached the number of 300.000 visitors at the end of the 1980s, has dramatically dropped to 13.500 in 1999. However, Poles have rediscovered Bulgaria in the last few years



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